CondoTek is now providing condo and co-op associations with what’s arguably, the most important information available about residential mortgage financing compliance and availability.

The Lending Compliance Report provides associations with a complete analysis of a condo/co-op property as it relates to Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac and/or Portfolio Lending Approval, Access and Compliance.

We do a deep dive into the operating documents, by-laws, budget, insurance, litigation, structural, mechanical and financial aspects of a condo/co-op property and provide a detailed analysis outlining lending compliance fails and how to fix them.

Access to mortgage financing impacts property values and our report informs property mangers, board members and owners of exactly where they stand, how unit purchasers see them, and most importantly what lenders see.

To hear more, please watch our latest webinar with Orest Tomaselli.  Link below.

Recording Link


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